John Scott enters the NHL All Star Game the black sheep, leaves the hero

John Scott MVP

I figured that after the Editorial I wrote this past weekend, a fair counter was needed. To be blunt, I truly didn’t care about the NHL All Star Weekend. Call me the “Fun Police” but I find it all to be a giant joke. From PK Subban wearing a Jagr wig to Brent Burns donning a Wookie mask. It’s just comical.

Listen, I don’t have a black heart because I found the ribbing amongst the players nice and seeing the players’ kids great. But to be honest, I saw this all on highlights because I simply didn’t care.

Then the ASG rolled around and I opted to watch it on my iPad while letting my little guy watch Christmas movies on Netflix (exciting eh?). I wasn’t surprised to see that the speed and intensity level looked down 3 notches from the regular season, but it was intriguing to watch.

However, I didn’t care enough to focus…until John Scott scored.

It wasn’t pretty, but the goon who wasn’t supposed to be there put in a stuff-in attempt. His elation after scoring was genuine and so was that of the players and the crowd. All of a sudden, this mockery of an All Star selection was winning my heart.

We are all fairly well versed in the controversy surrounding Scott’s selection and the subsequent cloak and dagger handling of afterwards. The league in essence tried to bury him in the AHL and hope that they could sweep it under the rug. But John Scott and the people didn’t want it to go away and the big enforcer was going to the NHL’s annual showcase of stars.

Must Read: John Scott “A Guy Like Me”

I laughed when he scored again in the tournament and literally grinned from ear to ear when his tournament champ Pacific Division teammates put him up on their shoulders. He took home the MVP honors and got a new SUV for his growing family (2 daughters and twins due any day now). When he accepted the $1,000,000 from Gary Bettman, the commish said “he was proud” of Scott. The classy goon held no animosity, shook his hands and skated over to the only people that mattered, his peers and his family.

It was like a well written Hollywood script that came to life. It was a great moment, a moment that these ALL STAR GAMES have been missing for a long time. It was a moment born of controversy but ended up being great because of the integrity and honor of a “goon”.


Anthony Scultore has been covering the New York Rangers and the NHL since 2014. His work also appears at ... More about Anthony Scultore
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