New Contributor – Ryan


Hello to FullTilt Nation! I’m Ryan and I will be one of the new contributors to FullTilt for as long as I am able! I am hoping to bring a fresh perspective to the FullTilt and NYR community! Hopefully, together, we can keep this running for the foreseeable future!

I’m very excited to be able to contribute to FullTilt. My role will be as a roving contributor. What does that mean? Well, it basically means I will add articles, posts, and thoughts as life allows.

As for me, I have a different type of background then what you would normally come across. Originally from New Jersey, I joined the Marines after high school and was able to get out and see different parts of the world. After my 5 years in the Corps were over, I moved to the District of Columbia with my wife and 2 kids to start a career with the federal government. After 5 years in D.C., to include time as an intelligence analyst, life decided it had different plans for us and we just recently moved back to New Jersey with a 3rd kid in tow.

Born in 1986, the Blueshirts have been a part of my life for as far back as I can remember. I modeled my street hockey and floor hockey career after Mike Richter and had a broken heart when Brian Leetch was traded.

I want to give Anthony thanks for taking a chance on someone like me who has never blogged before. Here’s to keeping his website running!

Feel free to hit me up with questions, comments, concerns, criticisms, or some simple good time banter. You can find me on Twitter @Ryan_Graham3

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