New York Rangers shocked to hear about Henrik Lundqvist’s heart condition

John Davidson used the word, “shocked” when asked about hearing that Henrik Lundqvist had a heart condition. The question asked by Colin Stephenson of the Newsday was likely brought on by comments made by Capitals GM, Brian MacLellan.

Henrik Lundqvist dealt with heart condition “most of his career”

When Henrik Lundqvist announced he could not play this season, Capitals GM Brian MacLellan followed that up with some questionable comments. He explained how Caps’ team doctors found concerns with a routine physical and dove deeper to determined he had a heart condition.

Brian MacLellan then said that Lundqvist had a heart issue for most of his career. Which raised questions of if the Rangers were aware.

New York Rangers “shocked” by Lundqvist news

Henrik Lundqvist heart condition
Lundqvist (Getty Images)

“We were absolutely shocked,” John Davidson revealed. “We’ve had constant communication from a number of people in the organization.”

This of course, will likely raise more questions from critics but not all heart conditions can be revealed by routine physicals. Also some heart conditions don’t present themselves until later on in life. There are a lot of questions, none of them should be centered around negligence of any kind by either the Rangers or Lundqvist.

One thing is for certain, thankfully the issue was found and Henrik Lundqvist is scheduled to have open heart surgery soon.

“Hank’s a Ranger,” JD explained. “Always will be a Ranger. We’re there for him any time he needs help to do with anything, period. I know he’s got the surgery, he’s gonna be just fine. We wish him well.”

Anthony Scultore has been covering the New York Rangers and the NHL since 2014. His work also appears at ... More about Anthony Scultore
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