Rangers reveals: Reverse Retro jerseys and inside the war room on draft day

The New York Rangers had some fun today and did some sneak peeking as well. Adidas will be launching Reverse Retro designs as we noted here. Today, the Rangers gave everyone a glimpse.

Rangers reveal reverse retro jersey

We also know the Rangers will be adding another jersey along with the reverse retro. Remember the removed blurb on NHL shop read;

“Be on the lookout for New York Rangers Reverse Retro jerseys and fourth jersey from the upcoming Power 31 collection.”

Rangers give an inside look on Draft Day

john davidson rangers draft lottery
John Davidson (Tania Savayan/Journal News)

The Rangers also teased an in depth look at how John Davidson and Jeff Gorton attacked the Draft. From selecting Alexis Lafreniere to making trades to draft Braden Schneider and Will Cuylle, it all appears to be here.

Alexis Lafreniere meets “the ball”

One more fun item for you to enjoy today. The Blueshirts tweeted out a special photo of Alexis Lafreniere holding the ball of destiny.

Catch the latest NHL rumors here

The latest batch of rumors are out for you today at DGH!.

Anthony Scultore is the founder of Forever Blueshirts and has been covering the New York Rangers and the NHL ... More about Anthony Scultore
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