Rick Nash Must Get Nasty To Score

No more Mr. Nice Guy. That needs to be the mantra that Rick Nash repeats in his head all game long. He’s been called one of the softest big men in the league by many critics and his $7.8 million contract has fans screaming for more.
Here’s the deal, if Nash wants to get out of this funk, he needs to play with an edge. It’s time for him to stop thinking about fancy moves and going around the opposition defenders and bowl them over. Rick Nash needs to make a beeline straight to the net. I would advise him to even run over Marc Andre Fleury in the process. Whatever it takes to wake up and give the Penguins something to think about.
Nash is skating in limbo right now. He is being marked and taken out of the play, time and time again. When he does get his shots, the big right wing is trying to be to fine with it. You can analyze his shot selections and do all the advanced stats work you like, but none of it explains his issues.
10 games into the playoffs and Rick Nash is a legitimate basket case. It’s in his head, not in his feet, not in his hands or his eye sight. It’s all mental for #61. Instead of analyzing his game and overthinking it, Nash needs to “put on his big boy pants” and beat the hell out of the opposition.
We all know it’s in him. No one has forgotten any of those games against the Blue Jackets this year either. From fighting to goal scoring, he did it all. He played with an edge because he had extra motivation. The time is now to do it again.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBGHtLb7kJ8″]Game Seven Highlights – [/su_youtube]
The Rangers stand on the brink of elimination in Pittsburgh on Friday should they lose game 4. Rick Nash can’t let that happen. His motivation should be singular in it’s purpose. Tonight, he needs to unleash the monster inside.
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