What on earth is going on with these Twitter accounts?

In the sphere of Rangers blogs most of the time you’re commenting on the news. If you’re making the news, you’re either really connected to a sourceΒ or you’re just trying to get clicks.

It’s neither of those with this note though. We’ve received a lot of feedback and questions and we wanted to take the time to address them for you all. Today, we – ForeverBlueshirts and Tilted Ice are the reason for this note.

Most of you have surely by now noticed the rebrand as we’ve said goodbye to our grandaddy and founder, none other than Mr. Tilt himself and have noticed the change in names on Twitter.

Mr. Tilt’s old account has been re-named to @4everblueshirts and is the site’s main twitter account. The only downside we’ll be missing is The Godfather himself will no longer be tweeting from there anymore. (Just imagine him sitting back on his La-Z-Boy with a cold one, watching the Rangers play while not looking at his phone for Twitter. . . He’s earned the right to just be a fan and we miss him too!)

However, all the news, commentary and content that comes from ForeverBlueshirts will be distributed through that account as well as any big announcements. Other than that, that timeline will serve as a treasured archived piece of Rangers fandom glory.

As most of you may know Forever Blueshirts also has a series of Podcasts. Those Podcasts, The Tilted Ice, are the official Podcasts of Forever Blueshirts and are hosted by Forever Blueshirts contributors and writers.

Tilted Ice: North of Penn is the New York Rangers Podcast.

Tilted Ice: Around The League is the NHL-wide Podcast and

Tilted Ice: Center Ice is the special Podcast for when we sit down with interesting hockey related people and hear their story. (Think Michael Kay’s CenterStage meets A Football Life and has a hockey baby).

As the media landscape shifts, we find that it’s best to have most of our hot takes and analysis come through multiple outlets and not just written word. Spoken word, videos, analysis breakdown and hot takes are all the backbone of The Tilted Ice. (We’re the outspoken, sometimes brash, always loveable, arm of Forever Blueshirts.)

With that, comes the social media presence of Tilted Ice & Forever Blueshirts in the form of @TheTiltedIce

With all that, we realized there was a missing piece to our social presence. Our game day. The NFL has gameday tweets and so do we. Because we always want to be out there to engage with all of our readers, listeners, fans and followers we decided to roll out @4BNYRGameday where you’ll be able to find all the game day tweets you loved and enjoyed so much for all these years under the old twitter handle, making it an absolute must follow.



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