New York Rangers bring back Lady Liberty third jersey with Adidas Reverse Retro

The New York Rangers have officially brought back the Lady Liberty third jersey with Adidas Reverse Retro. These jerseys will go on sale Dec. 1.

Lady Liberty is back!

Adidas teased their new Reverse Retro line of jerseys recently. The rumors began to fly immediately with regards to the Rangers. The tease showed #96 indicating a return of Lady Liberty. Those sweaters debuted in 1996.

Reverse Retro (NYR FB)

The jersey will also include the modified Rangers logo on the shoulder that debuted in ’96. The biggest differences to the original is the collar, sleeves, and bottom of the sweater which had bold stripes. Another change appears to be number style.

“Hockey fans love retro jerseys and Reverse Retro is a great opportunity for Adidas to work closely with the NHL and all 31 teams to bring back a design from a meaningful point in team history with a unique twist,” said Dan Near, senior director at Adidas Hockey, about the new program.


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Anthony Scultore has been covering the New York Rangers and the NHL since 2014. His work also appears at... More about Anthony Scultore

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