Rangers Draw First Blood: Romp Flyers 6-3

Tanner Glass fights Zack Stortini – Preseason 9/29/14 (Photo: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

The Rangers bombarded the Flyers from start to finish Monday night in route to a 6-3 final.

Wayne Simmonds made it clear that the Flyers would be excited to play the Rangers.

Anthony Duclair (L) scores against the Flyers and celebrates with Kevin Hayes 9/29/14 (Photo: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

It seemed like the Flyers would have their way physically after dressing a lineup that included the likes of Zack Stortini and Zac Rinaldo, but it was the Rangers who dictated what happened on the ice on Monday.

With the game just underway the Rangers started a three goal streak that would last all of four minutes. Anthony Duclair walked the puck down the wall and took a wrist shot that beat Steve Mason crossbar and in. Ryan Haggerty followed suit by walking across the net mouth and sliding the puck around Mason. Jesper Fast finished off the  flurry with a tip in off of a shot from Dan Boyle.

In an attempt to pump life into his team Zack Stortini squared off with Tanner Glass. The bout was lengthy, and was followed by a scrap between Ryan McDonagh and Blair Jones.



The Flyers did get some life and would get on the board in the second on a goal from Taylor Leier making it a two goal game. The Flyers momentum was short lived as Ryan Haggerty took a feed from Chris Mueller, inside-outed a defender, and pinned a puck over Mason’s shoulder on the short side of the net.

The Flyers pushed back on a goal from Jason Akeson off of a quick feed from Zac Rinaldo. Again the Rangers responded this time on the power play when Chris Mueller found a loose puck sitting on the door step and deposited it.

Shane Gostisbehere scored off of a face-off midway through the third, but Jasper Fast retaliated less than five minutes later by getting loose in the slot and scoring on a feed from Kevin Hayes.

Alaign Vigneault said  of Ryan Haggerty after the game “Everybody feels that there’s some potential there.” Vigneault also spoke about the good problem that the team has with depth. “It’s a good situation for our team…we’re being put in a situation where we’ve got some decisions to make, that’s a lot more pleasant and fun for everybody.”

Ryan Haggerty celebrates one of his 2 goals 9/29/14. (Photo: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

The Blue Print:

Anthony Duclair and Ryan Haggerty were excellent both in their own ends and moving through the neutral zone.

Chris Mueller was solid today, he showed his wheels and had two points. One was a goal on the power play.

Kevin Hayes made a few good plays he had two assists and uses his size well. He looks more comfortable every shift.

Dan Boyle will be fine he delivers crisp clean pucks all over the ice. He also had 2 assists in the game.

Dylan McIlrath has improved dramatically on his transition.

Steven Kampfer was ok at times last night but wasn’t moving the puck well, while Matt Hunwick was good all game.

J.T. Miller was excellent again despite not recording a point.

Here are Haggerty’s goals.




You can watch both fights from the game below. The video is provided by hockeyfights.com

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzFpO3dRAYY]


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Os-pTF8TbI]


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Image provided by NHL.com

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